Accounting for Independent Dental Contractors


Profiter CPA Group is a highly valuable resource for independent dental contractors because we offer the accounting and tax services to keep you on the path towards opening your own practice. We’ll skillfully manage your finances with innovative accounting solutions, creative tax strategies, and a realistic budget to increase your income while you stay focused on working with patients. With our dental CPA in your corner, you’ll have lower tax obligations and more money in your pocket. You’ll also have us as a trusted financial advisor you can turn to for the reliable advice and direction to help you reach your goals.

We invite you to take advantage of our expertise and learn how we can help you build a financially rewarding career in the dental industry. Call us at (773) 728-1500 or request your consultation online.

Our accounting and tax services for dental contractors include:

Dental practice accounting services

Our outsourced accounting and bookkeeping services will save time and let you concentrate on providing the best patient care.

Aggressive tax planning and tax preparation

We’ll put together a comprehensive tax planning strategy using every deduction and tax break available to reduce your taxes.

Dental practice benchmarking

Find out how to use benchmarking to compare dental practices and analyze overhead expenses and personnel costs.

New Dentist Program

New dentists will benefit from our debt financing, tax planning, and connections to other professionals like lawyers and brokers.